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Partner with us

Beyond Water supports our government and development partners to enhance sustainability and impact across Malawi.

Our approach works hand in hand with the national government to provide universal access to safe water in a sustainable and cost-effective way.

Systems strengthening

We understand the importance of empowering local and national government to effectively manage and regulate rural water supply and that an effective system is one where professional service providers can flourish. We work with local government and NGO partners to develop resilient WASH systems that are practical and sustainable by increasing transparency, accountability and governance.

Maximised outcomes

Access to safe water is a basic human right and a necessary foundation for human development. Working with development partners to integrate effective management of safe water supply into their projects ensures that development outcomes across health, livelihoods, climate resilience, gender equality are maximised.

Enhanced monitoring

As a data driven organisation committed to providing services to rural populations over the long term, we are able to collect and analyse demographic data to improve the programming of our government and development partners.

With a proven track record, we drive lasting change and achieve shared development goals more effectively.

A centrally managed model of guaranteed repair and maintenance.

Waterpoints as paying customers.

Area Mechanics contracted and performance managed.

Business model approach to long term financial viability (10 years+).

Co-ordinating and building capacity of local government to regulate and monitor.

OUR SUPPORTERS and partners

Our impact

Live waterpoint contracts
People served
(vs baseline)
Increase in mechanic income
How we do it

Supporting the Malawi water sector

It is important for us to align and support national government policy whilst empowering local government institutions. We do this by:

Increased oversight and regulation

Users paying for water use

Guaranteed rural services

Empowering district water offices to regulate our services

To find out more and support our growth, get in touch.

"Beyond Water’s close engagement with the District Council, Area Handpump Mechanics, Water Point Committees and Water Users is key to achieving access to quality water in communities. I am confident that the systematic implementation and direction the organization is taking the Professionalized Repair and Maintenance of Water Points to as a Business Model, has great potential to sustain provision of reliable clean and safe water for all, in rural areas of Malawi"

Elias Chimlambe

Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Water and Sanitation

“As Mchinji District Council, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Beyond Water because of the evident transparency and accountability of the Professionalized Repair and Maintenance (PRM) Model, which leaves no doubt in our minds that it will help government to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 for quality water for all, always by 2030”

Mike Chilim'madzi

District Water Development Officer (DWDO) Mchinji

“Safe and Clean Water is not for free, free water is only found from unprotected sources and is not fit for human consumption and development. Support Beyond Water so that they keep buying borehole spare parts, pay Area Pump Mechanics and carry out frequent Water Quality Tests as they keep working with government in supplying adequate fresh water to rural communities."

Charles Mwenda

District Water Development Officer (DWDO) Kasungu

“On our Part as Good Neighbors International, we trust Beyond Water’s expertise in Water Point Committees Capacity Building in as far as Governance and Management of the priceless involved while we provide resources for the work in our catchment areas.”

Gyo Jin Joo

Country Director Good Neighbors International, Malawi

Resilient communities

In addition to providing safe water services, we work with partners to address the main issues faced by the communities we serve:

Climate resilience and water security

Training and support to improve local watersheds and protect water points from the impact of climate change.

Community empowerment

Support communities to pay a greater share of costs through innovative, community-led approaches.

Improved hygiene and sanitation

Reliable access to safe water is the foundation for improved health and sanitation practices

Growth to 2030

Our 5 year, 5000 water point plan

As we scale our need for donor subsidies reduces. Our multi-year business plan, created with support of EY, forecasts our breakeven after 5 years of scaling.


Support our growth

For further information, contact our director of development, James Kitt.