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Image of a Beyond Water pump mechanic maintaining a pump

41% of Malawi's waterpoints are non-functional, leaving over 4.5 million people without reliable access to safe water, resulting in:

A photograph of a broken afridev pump.

Gender inequality

Due to the struggle to collect water, women and girls are deprived of education and livelihood opportunities.

Health risks

Waterborne diseases spread causing preventable illness and death.

Climate vulnerability

Rural communities are more vulnerable to climate related shocks and water scarcity.

Beyond Water has a solution.

A sustainable model

Professionally managed rural repair and maintenance services

Beyond Water develops user fees and income streams to generate financial sustainability as a key foundation to its service.

About our model
Illustration of a pump mechanic fixing a broken pump. She has a toolbox next to her with the words Beyond Water on the toolbox.

We repair

Beyond Water restores broken water points to provide access for rural communities.

An illustration of a girl using a working water pump.

We maintain

Beyond Water provides a professionally managed repair and maintenance service to ensure that waterpoints under contract remain functional.

An illustration of a rural home with mobile phone user confirming payment of fees to Beyond Water for their water services.

We sustain

Affordable user fees, a blend of income streams and scalability develop long term financial sustainability. Beyond Water works with partners to manage catchments and improve climate resilience of water sources.

We work with communities

We work with schools

We work with health centres

We work with Government and NGOs

Our impact

Live waterpoint contracts
People served
(vs baseline)
Increase in mechanic income
A unique approach

Doing things differently

Other Management Models
A donut chart showing 59%

of water points across Malawi are functioning


Reliant on community volunteers


Communities are vulnerable to price shocks related to cost of repair and spare parts


Mechanics are not managed or supervised


Lack of capacity to ensure minimum standards are met

A donut chart showing 99.3%

of water points across Malawi are functioning

Financially sustainable

A business model for growth that targets long term viability

Cost effective

Regular maintenance and minor repair reduce expensive breakdowns

Guaranteed services

Centrally managed Mechanics provide accountability

Government partner

Verification of performance by local authorities and building regulatory capacity

A photograph of a community around a water pump that is being repaired by a Beyond Water pump mechanic.

Financially sustainable model for growth

We reduce our cost per user through scale and efficiency.

We increase income from users and a blend of sources.

Reaching financial viability ensures long term sustainability.


Data. Transparency. Accountability.

We use robust data for identification, monitoring, transparency, and accurate financial forecasting.

Interact with our dashboard to see how we are performing against some of our key performance indicators.

A headshot of Abida Sidik Mia
"Beyond Water’s initiative is an exciting and vital contribution to supporting the Ministry’s efforts toward improving sustainable access to water for rural communities. Improved waterpoint functionality is key to reducing rates of cholera in rural areas."

Abida Sidik Mia

Minister for Water and Sanitation

A headshot of Jailos Phiri, a pump mechanic
"I have 25 active contracts and, from this money, I have bought fertilizer and a plough to use at my farm. I am helping my community access clean and safe water and, at the same time, I am providing a reliable source of income for myself and my family."

Jailos Phiri

Area Mechanic, Mchinji

A headshot of Selina Phiri, a pump mechanic
"A mindset that women cannot do a type of work which was previously seen as ‘men’s work’ is now realised as wrong and I therefore hope more women will follow my lead."

Selina Phiri

Area Mechanic, Kasungu

"It no longer takes a week, two weeks or a month for our borehole to be repaired, now it only takes a day or two!"

Catherine Chuma

Vice Chair of Water Point Committee

OUR SUPPORTERS and partners
creating sustainable change together

Work with us

By 2027 we aim to reach 1.25 million people with sustainable water services, achieve financial viability and foster economic growth. Your expertise, support, and partnership have the potential to propel our vision forward. Together, we can break barriers, pioneer new and lasting solutions for communities in need.

Our path to progress

We support the Sustainable Development Goals

Beyond Water is committed to implementing the SDGs in all our practices.
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 1st goal - No poverty
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 3rd goal - good health and well-being
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 5th goal - gender equality
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 6th goal - clean water and sanitation
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 8th goal - Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal badge representing their 13th goal - climate action